Our data policy
imactivate strive to be good with data in every sense of the word. We retain data only with your consent and only when we think we can use it to provide you with value or where we are required by UK law.
We are registered as ZA085943 with the Information Commissioner's Office. If you want to talk to us about your data, or you want us to disclose or delete any information we hold about you, please contact Thomas Forth at thomas.forth@gmail.com or using the details on this site.
Our privacy policy
Some of our apps and websites collect data so that we can fix problems more quickly and understand more about who uses our products. We are careful never to collect enough information to personally identify a user.
Our Leeds Bins app collects the postcodes of users but never their location. We share this information with Leeds City Council for the sole purpose of understanding whether certain groups within the community are more or less likely to access information like this via an app.
The Teacher Tapp app uses an email address to create a unique user ID so that our partners at Education Intelligence Ltd can connect answers from the same user over multiple days. We want to know, for example, if teachers who feel they're underpaid would move school for a raise. But we're not interested in the answers of individual teachers. Teacher Tapp also asks users for their school and the first part of their postcode, so that we know where they teach, and have an idea of roughly where they live. That lets us ask questions like, "Are teachers in cities happier than those in the countryside?" and "Does a long commuter impact on moral?". All data is stored in the highest security and only ever analysed in aggregate and according to Teacher Tapp's privacy policy.
We have no intention of selling your data to anyone or using it an a way that could inconvenience you. We don't think that will ever change but if it does we promise that we'll communicate that to you clearly and never apply any changes to our data and privacy policy retroactively.